Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Stagecraft plays it's role.

So after two years of haggeling we finally have what we originally drew before last summers rigging upgrade.  Notice the relatively clear line upstage and downstage on the SR side of the grid.  Except for the Shell cielings we have a relatively clear path to move upstage and downstage.

Notice in the image below it is not that way.  This was all last year we had to deal with this crisscross of cables on SR.
Even though the drawings we had last year clearly indicate what was supposed to be installed.
So now thank goodness we have finally got what we were looking for the first time.  Thanks to the installers who also were able to fix a couple of problems that were a part of our history.  The main one was upstairs on the second electric, our motor lift line was rubbing against the bracket that was holding the loft block in place.  This caused a vibration to run down the line that was noticed on the floor.  There was no clear indication as to why this was noticed seven years after the install but it was and so they notched out the bracket for me.   In addition Joseph asked me if i wanted to raise arbor out trim so that it might be easier to reach when needing to add weight to compensate for those extra big hangs.  
Notice all the cables draping in to our five electrics. What a sight.

Oh and Robert if you happen to be reading this blog. Here is 1/3 of the line drawing you are waiting for.  This is from the original install.  But maybe this could help in describing what we still need from stagecraft.  Of course there will be a lot more lines then this but hey at least there are cable lines in here.

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